If you ask most people, they would tell you that the only good bat is a dead bat. That may be the truth, but that does not mean that you want one of these bats dying in the walls of your house. Any animal that winds up moving on to the afterlife somewhere in your home creates a wide arrange of health issues that you and your family don’t want. It is true that bats carry so many diseases and parasites while they are alive, so you can only imagine the hell that they have to offer once they die. If that’s not the last thing you want in your home, then who knows what it is?
The problem you are likely to find is that finding a dead bat in your home is not as easy as sending the dog to sniff around until he or she finds it. These are small animals in most cases, which can easily hide themselves in a variety of locations. This includes such places as your walls, your closet, and your attic. A four or five ounce bat may pose a larger challenge to find then you may have imagined simply because they can find so many places to hide.
This does not mean that you can’t have success in finding it. There are tricks and common sense ideas that you can use to help you track down the dead bat in your home. It just is going to take a little bit of work on your part.
Where you want to begin is by searching places in your home where a bat is likely to be found. Begin in the attic. Look around underneath insulation, inside boxes, and any other place where a bat could sequester itself. While you are searching make sure that you wear gloves, a surgical mask, goggles, and heavy clothing at all time. As mentioned before, bats carry a great deal of pathogens within the animal. Play it smart and protect yourself!
If you have no success here, then the next way to search is by getting you and your family to start doing a little sniffing around your home. Like any other kind of animal, after a day or two of being dead your bat is going to stink. That may not be the news you want to hear, but what it means is that you have a method to find where the bat is located.
Search for odors that seem out of the ordinary. This can mean that you need to search and sniff along the walls of your home, even in between rooms, in closets, and other small areas where the bat may have taken up residence for itself.
If you find a bat is in the walls, then your next step is to try to locate exactly where it is at. The best way to accomplish this is by using small holes that you put into the wall where you can do a search by flashing a light into the open areas to see if you can locate the bat.
If you have still had no success in locating the bat after trying these options, then the next thought is to look to see if you can find trails of insects that are leading away from some specific area of your home. This may be a clue to you that something has died within the walls or other area of your home. Look for ants or other bugs that feed off the corpses of other animals. Even if you find a trail and it is not to the bat, at least it will tell you that you have some other issue going on. NEED LOCAL HELP? We have wildlife removal professionals servicing 95% of the USA. Click here to hire a local bat removal expert in your home town. Updated 2018. It's best to be educated on the subject, so browse this site and especially read the bats in the attic home page, or email me if you have any more questions about How to find and remove a dead bat
Wildlife Education - Information and Advice for the Safe Removal of Bats from Attics

The problem you are likely to find is that finding a dead bat in your home is not as easy as sending the dog to sniff around until he or she finds it. These are small animals in most cases, which can easily hide themselves in a variety of locations. This includes such places as your walls, your closet, and your attic. A four or five ounce bat may pose a larger challenge to find then you may have imagined simply because they can find so many places to hide.
This does not mean that you can’t have success in finding it. There are tricks and common sense ideas that you can use to help you track down the dead bat in your home. It just is going to take a little bit of work on your part.
Where you want to begin is by searching places in your home where a bat is likely to be found. Begin in the attic. Look around underneath insulation, inside boxes, and any other place where a bat could sequester itself. While you are searching make sure that you wear gloves, a surgical mask, goggles, and heavy clothing at all time. As mentioned before, bats carry a great deal of pathogens within the animal. Play it smart and protect yourself!
If you have no success here, then the next way to search is by getting you and your family to start doing a little sniffing around your home. Like any other kind of animal, after a day or two of being dead your bat is going to stink. That may not be the news you want to hear, but what it means is that you have a method to find where the bat is located.
Search for odors that seem out of the ordinary. This can mean that you need to search and sniff along the walls of your home, even in between rooms, in closets, and other small areas where the bat may have taken up residence for itself.
If you find a bat is in the walls, then your next step is to try to locate exactly where it is at. The best way to accomplish this is by using small holes that you put into the wall where you can do a search by flashing a light into the open areas to see if you can locate the bat.
If you have still had no success in locating the bat after trying these options, then the next thought is to look to see if you can find trails of insects that are leading away from some specific area of your home. This may be a clue to you that something has died within the walls or other area of your home. Look for ants or other bugs that feed off the corpses of other animals. Even if you find a trail and it is not to the bat, at least it will tell you that you have some other issue going on. NEED LOCAL HELP? We have wildlife removal professionals servicing 95% of the USA. Click here to hire a local bat removal expert in your home town. Updated 2018. It's best to be educated on the subject, so browse this site and especially read the bats in the attic home page, or email me if you have any more questions about How to find and remove a dead bat