What can bats chew through?

If you have seen a bat up close, or even in a picture, you are probably aware that these creatures have very sharp teeth. Most bats are predators and hunters, which require sharp teeth to not only assist them in being able to trap and kill their prey, but also in the tearing apart process for them to be able to eat.

It is the sharp look of these teeth that led to many legends related to these creatures. In fact, the vampire was created directly as a result of the look of these bats.

While the teeth are very sharp and quite strong, many may wonder if that’s can chew through any kind of material? With such sharp teeth like this it would only seem to make sense.

Consider for a moment the squirrel or rat. These creatures chew through all kinds of things. Those who have rats or hamsters that they keep for pets can probably attest to you the fact that their little pet rodent was able to chew through the metal bars of their cage to exit their captivity and gain freedom into the main part of the house. Their teeth are incredibly sharp, and it would seem that bats would have the same kind of rigid and tough teeth to be able to do the same kinds of things as rats and squirrels do.

This is not the case, however. While a bat’s teeth are strong, they are not built to chew in the same way that say a squirrel’s do. A squirrel has to chew through the shell of nuts to be able to get food. A bat does not need to do this at all.

The truth is that a bat’s teeth are not made to chew through such things as wood or boards. While some may have some success in gnawing at the material, they are not going to break apart the wall of your home and gain access into the main part of your house simply by chewing their way through. It’s not going to happen!

The bat may chew on the wood to strengthen its teeth some, all it will wind up with sharper teeth and a few splinters and its mouth. It is not going to dig its way through the wood or break it apart.

At best, a bat can chew through very small coatings of such things as plastic or rubber. Some have reported that bats have chewed through the wire coating in their electrical system, and it created such things as shorts and even fires. However, much beyond this a bat is not going to have a great deal of success.

For those of you who are worried about a bat figuring out a way to gain access into your home by chewing its way through, don’t fret at all. The bat is just not going to have that kind of success and so you can rest more easily with the confidence of knowing your property is a little safer.

As a final note, you should be aware that if a board or a piece of siding is loose outside, and is only being held in place by a very small amount of sealant, glue, or other material like this, then the bat can work its way to loosen that board even more and gain access into your house. This is not done solely by using its teeth, but also its wings and strong feet. This is why a regular inspection of your home is a good idea. NEED LOCAL HELP? We have wildlife removal professionals servicing 95% of the USA. Click here to hire a local bat removal expert in your home town. Updated 2018. It's best to be educated on the subject, so browse this site and especially read the bats in the attic home page, or email me if you have any more questions about What can bats chew through?

Wildlife Education - Information and Advice for the Safe Removal of Bats from Attics